When I was stationed in Scotland back in the '70s, FWD cars were more common there than in the US. I had a similar thing happen to me & asked an ice racer friend what I should've done. He said to remember that "Back pushes, front pulls". He took me out on a frozen lake with his car & showed me what he meant.�He used the brakes very early in the corners and when the back stepped out he pointed the front wheels in the direction�he wanted to go & added power to control the slide. It seemed backwards from what I was used to, but when it happened again during the last ice storm we had here a few years ago�I let off the brake & added power & the rear-end skid stopped. It isn't as easy to modulate power with an auto transaxle, but it is doable.Going to a frozen parking lot and practicing is worth the effort.
Richard & Carol Brown
PO Box 941
Lindale, TX. 75771
1974 GMC Eleganza SE (DILLIGAF)
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Richard & Carol Brown
1974 Eleganza SE
1174 Hickory Hills Dr.
Murchison, TX. 75778